Expanded Participation Model: Alternative for Somalia’s 2020 One-Person One-Vote Plan

On 21 February 2020, the President of Somalia,
Mohamed Abdullahi (Farmaajo), signed into law the long-awaited electoral bill that has been in the making for years. The leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) celebrated the signing of the bill as a historic achievement, because the law should, in theory, allow citizens to directly elect their representatives in the parliament for the first time since 1969. Moreover, the law was designed to be implemented during parliamentary election scheduled for later this year, and presidential election early next year.

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Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa 21-kii Febraayo 2020 saxiixay shircigii muddada dheer la sugayay ee doorashooyinka, kaas oo sannado laga soo shaqeynayay. Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaliya (DFS) waxa ay tallaabadan u arkeen mid taariikhi ah, maxaa yeelay sharcigu wuxuu, mabda’a ahaan, muwaadiniinta siinayaa fursadda ah inay toos u doortaan wakiilladooda, markii ugu horreysay tan iyo 1969-kii. Sidoo kale, sharciga waxaa loo asteeyay in lagu dhaqan galiyo doorashooyinka baarlamaanka ee dabayaaqada sannadkan, iyo doorashada madaxweynaha ee horraanta sannadka soo socda.

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan