Rule of Law and Independent Judiciary in Somalia
Somalia has a rich cultural heritage rooted in oratory and a profound respect for justice and fairness. Terms like xaq (justice) and dulmi or xaq darro (injustice) reflect the society’s deep commitment to these principles. However, despite this cultural and religious dedication, achieving the rule of law remains a challenge. Decades of fragility and a focus on stabilizing and reconstituting the fractured state over delivering justice have significantly hindered progress.
This report highlights the urgent need to bridge the gap between Somalia’s ideals and its justice deficit by building institutions that genuinely uphold the rule of law. It emphasizes creating an independent judiciary, increasing community awareness, and reinforcing democratic principles to foster a just society. By harnessing Somalia’s cultural commitment to justice, the report advocates for the development of strong legal frameworks and institutions, paving the way for a transformative legal renaissance in the country.
Rule of Law and Independent Judiciary in Somalia