Raising Sufficient Domestic Revenue to Overcome Dependency on External Budgetary Support for Somalia

Domestic revenue is the single most important source of financing for any country’s development. Through domestic revenue mobilization, Somalia – a country that is slowly emerging from decades of chaos – can accelerate economic recovery by raising and spending its own funds for essential services such as education and health, as well as energy and infrastructure development. These are all critical to ending extreme poverty and promoting inclusive growth. This brief will examine how much tax the federal government and member states collect; the domestic revenue reforms that the government has already undertaken; the taxes it has yet to introduce; the critical gaps in strengthening domestic revenue mobilization; and how Somalia can mobilize sufficient domestic revenue to overcome aid dependency and finance its development priorities.
Dakhliga guduhu waa isha ugu muhiimsan ee uu dal ku maalgaliyo horumarkiisa. Soomaaliya, oo ah waddan si tartiib tartiib ah uga soo kabanaya tobannaan sano oo xasilooni darro ah, waxa ay dardargalin kartaa soo kabashadeeda dhaqaale, haddii ay kor u qaaddo dakhligeeda gudaha, xooggana ay saarto addeegyada aasaasiga ah, sida waxbarashada, caafimaadka, tamarta iyo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha. Arrimahaasi waxa ay ahmiyad u leeyihiin soo afjaridda saboolnimada ba’an iyo kor u qaadista koboca-dhaqaale ee loo dhan yahay. Qoraalkan koobani, waxa uu u kuurgalayaa inta ay le’eg yihiin canshuuraha ay ururiyaan dowladda dhexe iyo dowladaha xubnaha ka ahi; dibuhabeynta dakhliga gudaha ee ay dowladdu hore u samaysay; canshuuraha ay soo kordhin doonto; goldaloolooyinka dhanqaryeyn kara xoojinta dakhliga gudaha iyo sidii ay Soomaaliya ugu halgami lahayn helitaanka dakhli ku filan oo dalka gudihiisa ka yimid, si looga gudbo ku tiirsanaanta gargaarka dibadda, loona maalgaliyo horumarka dalka.