Survey of Public Opinion on Somalia’s Provisional Constitution
In the past four years, citizens’ views were not adequately reflected in the constitutional review process. This public opinion survey highlights that citizens in five major cities have different perceptions [mainly positive] about the constitution, despite only being marginally consulted by the politicians about their opinions. The majority of respondents believe that the lack of clarity within the constitution has resulted in power struggles and political conflict between the national and regional governments.
Likewise, surveyed citizens also contend that the political elite does not strictly adhere to the principles of the constitution. Nonetheless, citizens believe that utilizing the constitution could be a solution to Somalia’s political issues. With a new federal institution and leadership in place, the prioritization of a proper constitutional review process and allowing citizens and civil society to participate in that review are important steps towards a federal constitution that regulates the socio-economic and political interests of citizens and Somali state institutions.
Download the full policy brief here.
Afartii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, aragtida shacabka si gaabis ah ayay uga muuqatay hannaanka dib-u-eegista dastuurka. Aragti uruurintan waxa ay muujineysaa in dadka laga wareystay shan magaalo oo waaweyn ay aragtiyo kala duwan oo u badan kuwo wanaagsan ka qabaan dastuurka inkasta oo aanan si ku filan loola tashanin. Inta badan dadkii aan wareysannay waxa ay rumeysnaayeen in mugdiga ku jiro dastuurka ay ka dhalatay hardan awoodeed iyo khilaafyo siyaasadeed ee u dhexeeya dowladda dhexe iyo maamullada gobollada.
Sidaas si lamid ah, muwaadiniinta la wareystay waxa ay tilmaameen in siyaasiyiintu aanay si dhab ah ugu dhaqmin dastuurka. Sikastaba ha noqotee, shacabka la waraystay waxa caddeeyeen in ay rurumeysan yihiin in dastuurku uu xal u noqon karo xaaladda siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya. Maaddaama hoggaan cusub uu qabtay dowladda federaalka, in ahmiyad mug iyo macno leh la siiyo in dib-u-eegis sax lagu sameeynayo dastuurka iyo in loo oggolaado shacabka iyo bulshada rayidka in ay ka qeyb galaan dib-u-eegista dastuurka, waxa ay tallaabo muhiim ah u noqon kartaa in la helo dastuur nidaamiya danaha dhaqan-dhaqaale iyo siyaasadeed ee shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo hay’adaha dowladda.