The Dangers Of Rigged Indirect Elections In Somalia
Although far from being free and fair, Somalia’s indirect elections, in the past two decades, have produced outcomes that were largely acceptable to political stakeholders as well as the majority of the population. this year, the delaying tactics of those leading the process, their arbitrary selection of the senators, and the self-serving agreements they reached might lead to a contested result and political instability in the country.
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Inkasta oo ay doorashooyinka dadban ee Soomaaliya yihiin kuwo ka fog caddaaladda iyo xornimada, haddana labaatankii sano ee la soo dhaafay, waxa ka soo baxay natiijooyin ay si weyn ugu qanceen saammilayda siyaasadda iyo shacabka intooda badani. Sannadkan, dibudhaca xeeladaysan ee ay ku kaceen kuwa hoggaaminaya geeddi-socodka doorashooyinka, xildhibaannada aqalka sare ee madax ka taabashada
lagu soo xushay, iyo heshiisyada iyaga uun u danaynaya ee ay gaadheen ayaa keenay natiijooyinka lagu muransan yahay iyo xasilooni darrada siyaasadeed ee dalka ka jirta.