Unpacking The NCC Decision: Political Ramifications for Somalia’s future
The October 30, 2024, decision by Somalia’s National Consultative Council (NCC) has ignited intense debate among the country’s political actors, touching on the sensitive issue of upcoming federal and state elections. At the center of this debate is President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s insistence that a one-person, one-vote (OPOV) electoral model is feasible for the upcoming elections.
The concept of OPOV, coupled with party-based politics that emphasizes competition of ideas, offers the Somali people a chance to directly elect their leaders and hold them accountable. In theory, this shift toward democratic principles should be welcomed by all political actors. However, despite its democratic appeal, many citizens and political actors remain skeptical of President Hassan Sheikh’s intentions and his ability to fulfill the promise of OPOV.
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Go’aankii ay soo saareen Golaha Wadatashiga Qaranka 30-kii, Oktoober 2024, ayaa dood weyn oo culus ka dhex dhaliyay hormuudka siyaasadda dalka. Go’aamadan ayaa taabanaya arrimo xasaasi ah oo la xiriirta doorashooyinka soo socda ee heer faderaal iyo heer dowlad goboleedba. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa qaba, kuna adkaysanaya in dalka laga qabto doorashooyin qof iyo cod (OPOV) ah ayaa dooddan xuddun u ah.
Aragti ahaan, in loo guuro nidaam doorasho oo dimuqraaddi ah (qof iyo cod ah) waa ay soo dhowaynayaan dhammaan gar-wadeenka siyaasadda Soomaaliya, balse halka ay sartu ka qurunsan tahay waa in mawaadiniin badan iyo hal-doorka siyaasaddu shaki weyn ka qabaan ujeeddooyinka madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh iyo weliba awoodda uu u leeyahay in uu fuliyo ballanqaadka doorashooyin qof iyo cod ah.