Puntland’s experimental local council elections in October 2021 were lauded successful in terms of decentralization of authority and democratization at the state level. Led by successive political leaders and a host of other stakeholders and actors in Somalia’s oldest federal member state, the election culminated to what observers described as a political progress in-the-making.
The one-person, one-vote elections held in Qardho, Eyl and Ufeyn districts were a move away from the 25-year-old indirect electoral process – where traditional clan elders appoint the region’s 66-member assembly – and were seen as free and fair which should reassure those weary of previous government manipulation or the outright hijacking of electoral processes. According to one minister, democratic elections are the “only escape route for Puntland from political stagnation”.
Doorashadii golaha deegaanka Puntland oo dhacday Oktoobar 2021, ayaa ahayd tijaabo guulaysatay marka loo eego dimuqraadiyadda iyo maamul-daadajinta heerka dowlad goboleedka. Doorashadan oo ay garwadeen ka ahaayeen hogaamiyayaal siyaasadeed oo kala dambeeyay, siyaasiyiinta dowlad goboleedka curadka u ah faderaalka Soomaaliya iyo daneeyayaal siyaasadeed oo badan, ayaa ku soo dhammaatay guul sida uu sheegay mid ka mid ah goobjoogayaashii dooraashadu.