Somalia’s Council Of Ministers: A call For Competent and Rule-Based Cabinet.
Over the past two decades, thirteen prime ministers have appointed hundreds of ministers who failed to rescue Somalia from a perpetual regression. Therefore, credibility and competence in delivery of services should be the main criteria for the selection of the incoming cabinet. Past strategies of stacking the cabinet with parliamentarians were counterproductive as they stunted accountability. Therefore, the incoming cabinet should be made up of technocrats from outside the parliament.
Insulating the Council of Ministers from the domination of parliamentarians will enhance accountability. It will also put a workable checks-and-balance process in place.
Labaatankii sano ee la soo dhaafay, saddex iyo toban raysalwasaare ayaa magacaabay boqollaal wasiir oo ku guuldarreystay in ay Soomaaliya ka samata-bixiyaan dib-udhaca joogtada noqday.3 Sidaa darteed, waa in ay shuruudaha lagu soo xulanayo golaha wasiirrada soo socdaa noqdaan aqoonta iyo kartida ay u leeyihiin adeegyada shaqo ee ay wasaaradahoodu bixinayaan.