Averting Electoral Violence In Somalia

Without an urgent agreement on the implementation of the 17 September agreement, the prospects for a partial election by the FGS and its allies is real and that would almost certainly lead to the conflagration of violence across the country. The recently concluded Annual Forum for Ideas in Garowe, organized by the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS), was the last-ditch effort to find a breakthrough in the electoral impasse. Although the ingredients for a compromise were identified, the FGS and FMS ultimately failed to translate that opportunity into a tangible settlement.

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Haddii aan la helin heshiis deg-deg ah oo ku saabsan sidii loo dhaqan gelin lahaa heshiiskii doorashada ee 17-kii Sebtember, waxaa suurto gal ah in dowladda federaalka ay isku daydo in ay qabato doorasho aan loo dhammayn, taas oo ay u badan tahay in ay meelo badan oo dalka ah ka keento dagaallo. Madashii Aragti Wadaagga ee Machadka Heritage uu dhawaan ku soo gunaanadey Garoowe, waxa ay ahayd isku daygii ugu
danbeeyey ee in xal loogu helo is-maan-dhaafka doorashada ka taagan. In kasta oo ay muuqdeen, haddana weli jiraan arrimo badan oo is-afgarad sahli kara, haddana, dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyadu waa ay ku guul darraysteen in fursaddii kulanka Garoowe ka dhalatay loo badello mid is afgarad dhalisa.

Halkaan kasoo rogo Faalladda oo dhamaystiran