Rebuilding Somalia’s Broken Justice System : Fixing the Politics, Policies and Procedures
Despite recent reforms, the formal justice system in Somalia is broken at the core, depriving equitable access to justice for millions of citizens. More than 10 years with no judicial system (1990- 2000) followed by 20 years of weak statutory courts (2000-2020) have had a profoundly deleterious
impact on the nation’s deeply decentralized judicial branch. As a result, a buffet of justice systems and alternative dispute mechanisms have flourished across the country, leading citizens to shop for the most favorable outcomes. This is compounded by a deep contestation over the interpretation of the provisional constitution and the ambiguous framework to establish the two most important judicial institutions: the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) and the Constitutional Court of Somalia
(CCoS). The federal parliament has yet to formally federalize the judicial branch as stipulated by the provisional constitution.
Inkasta oo dhawaan dibuhabayn lagu sameeyey nidaamka rasmiga ah ee garsoorka Soomaaliya, haddana waa mid adhaxda ka jabay, kaas oo gabay in ay caddaaladda u sinnaadaan malaayiin muwaadiniin. In ka badan
10 sano oo aanu jirin nidaam garsoor (1990-2000) oo ay ku xigtay 20 sano oo ay hawlgalayeen maxakamado fadhiid ahi (2000-2020), ayaa saameyn ba’an ku yeelatay laanta garsoorka ee guud ahaan dalka ka jirta.
Taasi waxa ay abuurtay in nidaamyo kale oo garsoor iyo kuwo xalinta khilaafaadka ahi ka abuurmaan dalka oo dhan, iyada oo ay muwaadiniintu ka helayaan natiijooyin wanaagsan. Tan waxa sii weheliyay loollan
qotodheer oo ku saabsan fasiraadda dastuurka kumeelgaarka ah iyo qaabka madmadowga leh ee lagu dhisayo labada hay’adood ee ugu muhiimsan garsoorka: Golaha Adeegga Garsoorka (GAG) iyo Maxakamadda
Dastuuriga ah ee Soomaaliya (MDS). Wali golaha Baarlamaanku si rasmi ah uma uu fedderaalaynin laanta garsoorka, sida uu dhigayo dastuurka kumeelgaarka ahi.