CALL FOR POLICY PAPERS: Reshaping Somalia’s Education For Development
This Call For Papers aims to capture the progress and identify current gaps and future challenges with the hope that researchers, through evidence-based policy research, will bring insights and solutions to the educational challenges the country is facing.
Download The Full Call For Papers Instructions Here
Ujeeddada baaq-siyaasadeedkan ayaa ah in la qiimeeyo heerka horumarka, isla
markaana la qeexo goldaloolooyinka hadda jira iyo caqabadaha la filayo mustaqbalka, iyada oo rajo laga qabo in cilmibaarayaal caddaymo daraasadeed ka duulayaa keenaan aragtiyo iyo xalal wax lagaga qabanayo caqabadaha haysta waxbarashada dalka.