Diaspora Return to Somalia

Diaspora returnees are growing increasingly visible in Somalia. Their increasing presence is prompting numerous debates on the issue of return and how to maximize the potential of the ‘diaspora resource’ both in Somalia and beyond. Unless widespread conflict re-emerges in Somalia, the diaspora will continue to return to their country of origin. Indeed, with sustained peace throughout the country the rate of return would be expected to increase.

The degree to which the diaspora are able to reintegrate into Somali society will ultimately define their contribution to its development. This requires a willingness on behalf of the diaspora to desegregate and pro-actively engage with the non-diaspora. It also requires the non-diaspora to embrace the return of family and friends that left Somalia during the prolonged conflict.

In this briefing Maimuna Mohamud, a researcher with the Heritage Institute, looks at the opportunities and challenges associated with diaspora return, taking as a case study Somalis returning from the United States and Norway.

Download the full Policy Briefing (PDF, 160KB)

Qurba-joogta Soomaaliya kusoo laabtay waa kuwa aad uga muuqda dalka. Soo laabashadoodu waxay dhalisay dood ku saabsan qurba-joogta iyo sida uu dalku uga faa’iideysan karo ‘hantida’ ay lasoo laabteen. Haddii aanay colaad baahsan dib ugu soo laaban gayiga Soomaalida, soo noqoshada qurba-joogtu way sii socon doontaa. Marka la eego xasilloonida sii kordheysa ee dacallada dalka, waxaa la oddorosi karaa in soo laabashada qurba-joogtu ay korodho.

Kaalinta ay qurba-joogtu ka qaadato dibu dhiska dalka wuxuu ku xirnaan doonaan sida ay ugu milmaan guri-joogta. Tani waxay u baahnaan doontaa in qurba-joogtu aysan iska soocin guri-joogta, si qumaati ahna ula shaqeeyaan. Sidoo kale, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in Soomaalida aan dalka ka bixin ay soo dhaweeyaan qurba-joogta soo laabaneysa ee dalkooda ka irdhoobay xilligii colaadda.

Qoraalkan, Maymuuna Maxamuud. oo ah cilmi bare ka tirsan Machadka Heritage, ayaa waxa ay eegaysaa fursadaha iyo caqabadaha ku harreeraysan soo noqoshada qorbe-joogta Soomaaliyeed – iyada oo si gooni ah u eegaysa Soomaalida ka soo noqotay Maraykanka iyo Norway.

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan (PDF, 160KB)