Galmudug: Governance, State Formation, Conflict Dynamics, and Reconciliation
This study investigates the evolution and process of state formation in Galmudug and the factors that shaped the process, including clan politics, economic considerations, conflict dynamics, governance, and the reconciliation processes, while highlighting the role of external actors. Evidence shows that the process of Galmudug formation was largely shaped by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), and in many ways, the state is still dependent on the FGS. However, the ownership of the local community has steadily increased, and the capacity of Galmudug as a government and community to reconcile conflicting parts has also improved. The study argues that successful state-building happens in a bottom-up approach, starting with local councils and local districts, which are the first contact point for ordinary people where they can exercise their power and rights and participate in public life in general. The study also demonstrates that the more institutions adopt inclusive policies and practices, the more they consolidate the processes of peacebuilding and prevention of violent conflicts.
The Heritage Institute’s Talo Wadaag Phase II Program hopes that the findings will help peacebuilders, policymakers, academics, community practitioners, and international actors interested in Somali affairs to understand the historical processes of the evolution of the state formation of Galmudug and its current status, which will assist them in predicting future state-building trends. Such an understanding will also help the abovementioned target groups conduct further research, or develop relevant policies that address challenges encountered in the process of state formation, reconciliation, and governance. Similarly, the findings will assist the target audience to understand the sensitivities attached to the process of state formation and how to respond in a culturally appropriate manner.
Galmudug Governance, State Formation, Conflict Dynamics, and Reconciliation
Daraasaddan ayaa u kuurgalaysa horumarka iyo geeddisocodka hannaanka dowlad-dhiska Galmudug, iyo waxyaalaha jaangooya ee ay ka midka yihiin siyaasadda beelaha, arrimaha dhaqaalaha, isbedbeddellada colaadaha, maamulka iyo hannaanka dibuheshiisiinta iyada oo daraasaddu dheehanaysa ama iftiiminaysa doorka ay daneeyeyaasha shisheeyuhu ku leeyihiin dowlad-dhiska Galmudug. Caddaymaha daraasaddan ayaa muujinaya in ay Dowladda Faderaalka Soomaaliya(DFS) gacan weyn ka gaystay yagleelidda hannaanka dowad-dhiska Galmudug, oo uu weli gobolku siyaalo badan ugu tiirsan yahay DFS. Sidaa awgeed, marba marka ka danbaysa lahaanshaha bulshada guduhu tartiibtartiib buu u soo xoogaysanayaa, oo waa uu ka soo raynayaa. Sida oo kale waxa kobcaya awoodda ay dowladda Galmudug iyo bulshada guduhu u leeyihiin in ay dibuheshiisiiyaan dhinacyada dagaallamaya. Cilmibaadhistu waxa ay qabtaa in guusha dowlad-dhiska gobolku raacayso nidaamka sal kasoo unkidda, iyada oo ka bilaabmaysa dowladaha hoose iyo goleyaasha deegaanka, kaas oo ah heshiiska koowaad ee bulshadu ka anbaqaadi karto adeegsiga awoodaheeda siyaasadeed, kasbashada xuquuqaheeda muwaaddinnimo iyo guud ahaan dhaqangalinta kaqaybgalka arrimaha dowliga ah. Waxa kale oo ay cilmibaadhistu muujinaysaa in mar kasta oo ay hay’ado badani dhaqangaliyaan siyaasadaha u dhammaanshaha iyo ku dhaqankooda ay tahay mar kasta oo ay hanaqaadaan hannaanka nabaydaynta, iyo ka hortagga colaaduhu.
Wajiga II ee Barnaamijka Talo Wadaag ee Machadka Heritage ayaa rejaynaya in natiijooyinka daraasaddani caawin doonaan daneeyayaasha nabadda, jaangooyayaasha siyaasadda, aqoonyahanka, bulshada nabadda u dhaqdhaqaaqda, ururrada caalamiga ah ee daneeya fahamka arrimaha Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan kuwa la xidhiidha geeddisocodka taarikheed ee dhismaha dowladda Galmudug iyo xaaladdeeda hadda, taas oo gabi ahaanba ka kaalmaynaysa saadaasha habsamisocodka dowlad-dhiska Galmudug. Fahanka noocan ahi waxa kale oo uu taageero siinayaa in ay kooxaha bartilmaameedka ah ee kor ku xusani sameeyaan cilmibaadhisyo kale ama in ay odorosaan siyaasado waxkataraya xallinta xaqabadaha ku gadaaman hannaanka dowlad-dhiska, dibuheshiisiinta iyo maamulka Galmudug. Sida oo kale, waxa ay natiijooyinkani ka caawinayaan akhristayaasha bartilmaameedka ah in ay fahmaan xiisadaha ku gadaaman hannaanka dowlad-dhiska iyo siyaalaha looga falcelin karo ee dhaqan ahaan ku habboon.
Galmudug Maamulka, Dowlad-dhiska, Isbedbeddellada Colaadaha iyo Dibuheshiisiinta