Human Capital Development Strategy for Somalia

The last 20 years have been characterized by slow but steady recovery and a modest reconstitution of state institutions, including the adoption of a contested and unsettled federal governance structure. There is much to be optimistic about Somalia’s recovery despite the protracted instability. This human capital development strategy is anchored on Somalia’s fragile realities and its success hinges upon the ushering in of a conducive
enabling environment. The human capital development strategy aims to provide a framework to transform the knowledge and skills of the Somali workforce and help to develop an empowered and healthy Somali population with the necessary skills and attitudes for productive sector driven and sustainable economic development.

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Labaatankii sano ( 2000 – 2020) ee u dambeeyey Soomaaliya waxa ay ku hawlanayd soo kabasho gaabis ah laakiin isa soo taraysay iyo dib-u-dhiska hay’adaha dalka. Waxa ay qaadatay nidaam faderaal ah oo dood badan dhaliyey walina aan saldhigan. In kasta oo ay jirto xasilooni darro dabadheeraatay, haddana rajo badan ayey leedahay dib usoo noolaynta Soomaaliya. Daraasadda Tabta Horumarinta Karaanka Bulshada waxa ay u dabran tahay deganaansho la’aanta Soomaaliya ka jirta, taabbagelinteeduna waxa ay ku xiran tahay abbuuridda jewi u habboon oo munaasab ah. Ujeeddada tabta Horumarinta Karaanka Bulshada waa in la helo qorshe ama istaraatijiyad kor loogu qaadayo aqoonta iyo xirfadaha dadka Soomaaliyeed si loo abuuro loona tabareeyo bulsho caafimaad qabta taas oo leh rabitaankii iyo kartidii loo baahnaa si looga faa’iidaysto ilaha wax-soosaarka dalka, loona helo horumar dhaqaale oo waara.

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