Parliament should use Its oversight to improve electoral model

The electoral model by Somalia’s National Leaders Forum (NLF) outlining the 2016 selection/election plan does not adequately enhance the democratic process. Rather, some aspects of the proposed roadmap significantly stifle the prospects of a legitimate and inclusive election process. Though it is encouraging that the oft-acrimonious federal and regional politicians reached a consensus, the model has significant flaws that, if implemented, could result in social conflict, weaker institutions and unwarranted power grab. Fortunately, the NLF included in the model a clause that calls for parliamentary approval of the ambitious plan. Since time is of the essence, and its implementation is crucial, parliament must scrutinize the plan, improve where necessary and adopt the plan expeditiously.

Download the full policy briefing here.

Habraaca doorasho ee ay soo saareen Madasha Hoggaanka Qaran ee muujineysa qorshaha 2016-ka ee soo xulista / doorashada ma aha mid horrumarinaysa hirgelinta hannaan dimoqraadi ah. Weliba, qaar ka mid ah qodobada qorshaha lasoo jeediyey waxaa ay aad u cabburinayaan rajada laga qabay in la helo hannaan xulid/doorasho oo xalaal ah, loona dhanyahay. Inkasta oo ay tahay mid dhiirrigelin leh madaxda federaalka iyo kuwa gobollada oo ay ku badnayd is-qab-qabsigu in ay gaareen is afgarad, haddana habraaca doorasho oo ay ku heshiiyeen waxa uu leeyahay khaladaad badan oo haddii loo hirgeliyo sida ay u dhigeen keeni kara colaad ka dhex dhalata bulshada, hay’adaha dowliga ah oo daciifa, iyo awood marooqsi.

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan.