Somalia’s parliament should produce a constitution by and for the people

As Somalia’s tenth parliament began its work in early 2017 and elected Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Farmaajo’ as president, the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS) hopes lawmakers, national and sub-national politicians and civil society organizations will re-focus and prioritize the finalization of the constitution. HIPS is, therefore, presenting the first in a series of papers on constitutional questions. This paper explains the history and the process of constitution making in Somalia. It also discusses and analyzes some of the contested issues among national and regional actors in the content and the process of constitution making. In particular, the paper will look at four issues: the federation process, the relationship of the executive institutions (presidential vs parliamentary systems), the bicameral legislature and the status of the capital city Mogadishu. The paper will conclude with policy recommendations.

Download the full report here.

Maaddaama baarlamaanka 10-aad uu howshiisa bilaabay horraanta 2017 islamarkaana madaxweyne u doortay Maxamed Cabdullahi ‘Farmaajo’, Machadka Heritage ee Daraasaadka Siyaasadda waxa uu rajeynayaa xildhibaannada cusub, siyaasiyiinta heer federaal iyo heer gobol iyo bulshada rayidka ah in ay ahmiyad siin doonaan dhamaystirka dastuurka. Machadka waxa uu soo bandhigayaa qormadii ugu horreysay warbixinno taxane ah ee faaqidi doona su’aalo dastuuri ah. Warbixintan waxa ay sharraxaad iyo qiimaynba ka bixinaysaa taariikhda iyo hannaanka uu soo maray dastuur-sameynta Soomaaliya. Waxa ay sidoo kale faaqideysaa qaar kamid ah arrimaha loollanka badan kajiro ee la xiriira nuxurka iyo hannaanka dastuur-sameynta. Waxa ay warbixinta si gaar ah u faaqididoontaa afar arrimood: hannaanka federaalka, xiriirka u dhexeeya hayadaha fulinta, labada aqal ee baarlamaanka, iyo maqaamka caasimadda Muqdisho. Warbixinta waxa ay kusoo gunaanadi doontaa talooyin kusocda inta ay taladu ka go’do oo baarlamaanku ugu horreeyo iyo guud ahaan dadka Soomaaliiyeed.

Soo rogo warbixinta oo dhan.