Structural Impediments To Reviving Somalia’s Security Forces
For over a decade, successive Somali governments and the international community have been earnestly trying to revive Somalia’s security forces (SSF) as part of a broader effort to stabilize the country following the collapse of the state in 1991. Billions of dollars were spent on training and equipping tens of thousands of military, police, and intelligence personnel so that they could stabilize their country and liberate from the grip of the militant group al-Shabaab and enforce the rule of law. Nearly 15 years later, neither of the two objectives is fully realized, and the country’s security forces remain perpetually weak, deeply fractured, and increasingly politicized.
In ka badan toban sano ayey dawladihii Soomaaliya u kala danbeeyey iyo bulshada caalamku dadaal weyn ku bixinayeen sidii dib loogu soo noolayn lahaa ciidamada amniga Soomaaliya.1 Arrintan oo qayb ka ahayd dadaallo waaweyn oo loogu jiray xasilinta dalka wixii ka danbeeyey burburkii dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya 1991. Balaayiin doollar ayaa lagu bixiyey tababarrada iyo qalabaynta kumannaan ciidan oo mallitiri, boolis iyo sirdoon isugu jira, si ay dalkooda uga xoreeyaan xoogagga xagjirka Al-Shabaab, isla markaana ay u dhaqan geliyaan sharciga. Ku dhawaad 15 sano ka dib, labadan ujeeddo midina umay fulin si buuxda, ciidamada nabadgalyada dalkuna wali waa mid aad u taag daran, si qoto dheer u kala daadsan, aadna loo siyaasadeeyey..