Transitional justice promotes a culture of accountability, mends ruptured trust between communities, and fosters a shared national identity. Confronting Transitional justice promotes a culture of accountability, mends ruptured trust between communities and fosters a shared national identity. Confronting the past directly, Somalia can construct a future anchored in justice, equality, and social cohesion. This effort represents a collective societal determination to confront the enduring legacies of violence, laying the cornerstone for a more peaceful and stable future.
This report seeks to explore the implementation of transitional justice in Somalia. It will examine the history and development of the concept, drawing on the experiences of transitional justice in various African contexts. By analyzing the practice of transitional justice in similar settings, the aim is to craft a tailored approach that suits Somalia’s unique social, historical, and political structurethe past directly, Somalia can construct a future anchored in justice, equality, and social cohesion. This effort represents a collective societal determination to confront the enduring legacies of violence, laying the cornerstone for a more peaceful and stable future.
Download the full report here.
Caddaladda Xilliga Kalaguurka ahi, waxa ay dhiirrigalinaysaa dhaqan islaxisaabtan, waxaanay kaabaysaa xariirkii kalsoonida iyo is aaminaadda bulshada oo go’ay, iyada oo kobcinaysa dareenka waddaninimada oo ah wax bulshadu wadaagto. Haddii si miiggan loo waajaho saamaynta duruufihii la soo maray, waxa dhici karta in ay Soomaaliya beegsato ama ku hirato mustaqbal ku qotoma caddaalad, sinnaan, iyo is ogolaansho bulsho. Dadaalkani waxa uu ku qotomaa rabitaanka bulsho oo wadajir ah, taas oo ay dhab uga go’antahay in la waajaho saamaynta raadadkii laga dhaxlay xasaradihii wakhtigii tegay, si seeska loogu dhigo mustaqbal nabdoon oo xasilooni leh.
Warbixintani waxa ay eegaysaa suurtagalnimada sidii Soomaaliya looga dhaqan gelin lahaa Caddaladda Xilliga Kalaguurka ah; waxaanay baaritaan ku samaynaysaa hannaankan cadaaladeed iyo marxaladaha uu taariikh ahaan soo maray, iyada oo ka dhimbiilqaadanaysa khibradaha ka soo baxay dalal kale oo Afrikaan ah, kuwaas laga dhaqangaliyay Caddaladda Xilliga Kalaguurka ah. Iyada oo la falanqaynayo waayo-aragnimada laga dhaxlay waddamada habkan oo kale soo maray ee la duruufta ah Soomaaliya, waxa daraasaddan looga golleeyahay in la falkiyo qaab ku haboon xaaladda bulsheed, siyaasadeed, iyo tan taariikheed ee gaarka u ah qaabdhismeedka Soomaaliya.