Responding to these emerging conflicts and climate change threats, the Heritage Institute
for Policy Studies (HIPS) invites abstracts for policy papers that address conflict or climate
change-related issues. The papers will be presented at the Annual Forum for Ideas —the
Institute’s flagship deliberative policy forum at which experts, researchers, policymakers and
the civil society will share their regional and/or global expertise on issues related to conflict,
climate change and its impact on Horn of Africa countries.

Download the instruction here 

Si looga falceliyo dhibaatooyinka ku soo wajahan gobolka ee la xiriira khilaafaadka
iyo isbeddelka cimilada, waxa uu Machadka Daraasaadka Siyaasadda ee Heritage
martigalinayaa daraasad-cilmiyeedyo (Policy Papers) ku saabsan arrimaha la xiriira
khilaafaadka iyo isbeddelka cimilida. Warbixinahaas waxa laga jeedin doonaa shir
lagu qabanayo Djibouti dhammaadka bisha Noofeenber, oo ay isugu imaanayaan
khabiirro, cilmibaareyaal, siyaasad-dejiyeyaal, arday iyo dad u dhaqdhaqaaqa arrimaha
bulshada, kuwaas oo madasha shirka ku wadaagi doonaa xaaladaha gobolladooda iyo
dhibaatooyinka gobolka ee la xiriira saamaynta ay khilaafaadka iyo isbeddelka cimiladu
ku leeyihiin dalalka Geeska Afrika.

Halkan kala deg tilmaanta